Can A Black Mamba Kill A Lion?


Can A Black Mamba Kill A Lion?

This type of mamba called Black Mamba is a species of highly venomous snake belonging to the family Elapidae. It is mainly found in the sub-Saharan Africa parts again take not it is the second longest venomous snake after the king cobra. A mature specimens generally go beyond 2 meters to 3 meters.

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Black mamba comes with a highly toxic venom, which in only two drops can take down a person and it can carry up to 20 drops in its fangs ready for delivery. Its venom contains both cardio toxins and neurotoxins which are very deadly. They first affect the nervous system, while the other attacks the heart.

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If the circumstances allow and given the space to attack a black mamba can take down an Elephant in a matter of hours. Several incidents have been recorded where elephants died after trying to protect their young ones from this snake.

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So in giving the final say of our topic today, it clearly shows that one black mamba can potentially take down 2 lions given atleast 10 drops of its lethal venom on each cat. Yeah your take away is that Yes!! black mambas are deadly than you had thought. According to statistics 50 to 60% untreated human bites resulted in death from a black mamba. So it is a legless giant.

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